Peter is the CEO & Founder of Ryan Research, where he consults on economics, technology, and history as well as business strategy. He was awarded the American Affairs’ Common Good Economics Grant to support his forthcoming book, served as a Policy Advisor to the economic think-tank American Compass, and received a Museion Fellowship from Beck & Stone. He regularly contributes to publications like Gript, UnHerd, and more. He completed an MA in Global History (economic specialization) from the University College Dublin and was awarded first class honors. He received his B.A. from New York University in economics with a double minor in business & web programming, as well as a certificate for business & financial modeling from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He managed Know Your Meme’s social listening technology platform where he worked with Fortune 500 brands to provide them data insights, visualizations, and strategic consulting. He led research at CoinDesk, the most popular cryptocurrency brand in the world, producing data insights, cutting-edge reports, and useful tools to help users better understand the complex industry. Prior to that, he was an analyst assisting venture capitalists and startups in making smarter decisions through data.

The world is changing. New economies and technologies are taking the world by storm. The tides are rough but Ryan Research is the compass to guide you. Our research will breakdown the latest innovative trends with depth and clarity.

Fluffy language often obfuscates performance. Utilizing quantifiable measures, of success or failure, is significant in determining the merits of technologies, companies, and economies. Analyzing fundamental data behind these topics is the backbone of any diligent research that seeks to go beyond talking points. Through charts, dashboards, and number-crunching the truth gets revealed.
Complexity often prevents people from delving into innovative and novel fields. How can you engage with something if you can't understand it? The conveyance of technical information should be simplified but not reduced and wide but not shallow. Through lucid explanations and visual guides, better education of connecting the conceptual and contextual dots can be achieved.
What types of research best suit you? There is no one size fits all approach and that's why Ryan Research is open to consulting with clients individually to best achieve their goals. If you are in need of more specialized and unique assistance in understanding or keeping track of these new industries, please contact us with your inquiry. We are open to calls, meetings, events, and other formats to best complement your understanding.